Thank you for your interest in joining Journey Church Redmond Worship. We believe in leading people on a journey of transformation in Jesus, and our job as worshippers are to help create a space of worship and surrender to God! We do this by coming together as a team and setting the "tone" for the church. If we don't lead the congregation, they won't go to the place we are trying to take them, and that's into the presence and heart of God.



We believe in a couple of sayings and stand by them. "It's more than just us" and "Church is a lot more fun when it's not about you".

What does that mean? It means it's not just the worship team we sit with and be around, we are part of church as a whole so we make anyone we encounter feel like family. Secondly, we put our agendas and personal preferences aside for the vision of the team as a whole. It is so much more fulfilling seeing a life change when we all work towards the same goal as opposed to having church be exactly what WE want it to be! 


These are the values we hold to the highest standard when being part of the worship team here at Journey Redmond.


Psalm 47:7 "For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with a skillful psalm"

Excellence honors God and inspires people. God anoints excellence. Excellence is not an end in itself, but a means to an end - which is giving God our best while making “the best possible opportunity for people to meet with God” (Bob Sorge ). A heart for excellence is what takes our expression to the next level, provides for musical unity, better ushers people into His presence, and keeps us from digression that happens through “maintenance mode ” or coasting.


Isaiah 10:27 "The yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil."

This is the “secret sauce”. Without the anointing, yokes are not broken. We will never be content with singing great songs, playing great music, having a great presentation, and doing it all again next week. The anointing is the difference. The anointing is a person - the Anointed One. If people come into our services and only experience music, they leave inspired. If they come and experience the anointing/Anointed One, they leave changed. We are not called to entertain, we are called to lead people to the face of God where they will be changed into His image from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18)


Psalm 133:1–3 “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head , running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes ! It is like the dew of Hermon , which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.”

This has been mentioned in the other aspects, but where there is unity, there is God’s commanded blessing. Where there is disunity , there isn't. This is within the team, between different ministries of the church, etc. JCR Worship is not a silo unto itself, but we are one of the ministries of the church as a whole . We are here to see the Kingdom advance, and that can’t happen when we‘re too worried about our own kingdoms . Every person is a stream that comes together to form a mighty river. If we withhold our stream due to personal issues, or create our own river, everyone is affected.


Worship can simply be defined as “Honoring God.” Honor is a big deal. Honoring God is the starting place of worship. Honoring others is the beginning of obedience to His Word. We will be a ministry that honors God, honors each other, honors spiritual authority (worth “double honor” 1 Tim. 5:17), and honor other movements. 1 Peter 2:17 "Honor everyone"

One word for “honor” in Hebrew is translated “glory” as well. There is an inseparable connection between “honor” and “glory“. There is no glory without honor, and there is no honor without glory . We will intentionally be a people of honor.


Why Standards?

Standards and Guidelines help eliminate the question of "is this okay or not okay". Of course if you have questions please feel free to ask any of the JCR Worship leaders for clarification! The reason these guidelines exist is because the ministry of the local church is team ministry. As JCR Worship, we work to dispel any perception that “it’s all about us” and all the other stereotypical attributes of “the band.” So, it is very important that we’re with the rest of the team, welcoming our church family to service, worshiping together, and receiving together and supporting the speaker as the Word is preached. 

Mandatory Guidelines

- All worshippers in JCR Worship must attend Team Night. Team Night is the re-occuring gathering of JCR Worship to worship together, receive new vision regarding the worship ministry, and an opportunity to get to know each other better. Team Night is mandatory. If a conflict should arise, please contact the worship administrator in advance to notify JCR Worship leaders.

- All worshippers in JCR Worship must attend at least one weekend service each week. This should be a “no brainer.” In order for us to be effective in the context of our local church, we must consistently attend the weekend services. There are obvious exceptions to this one (vacation, family emergencies, etc.). Consistent non-participation in the weekend services of Journey Church Redmond may result in loss of participation in JCR Worship.

- Attend all required rehearsals. Rehearsal time is necessary to be adequately prepared for the weekend services.  

- All worship team members must serve on a separate team once a month. We do this to show that we are here to build the church as a whole, not just one team! We believe in community and this is a great way to branch out and meet other members of our church.

Here are some examples of different teams you can join:
- Production
- Kids                  
- Youth              
- Hospitality

Service Guidelines

- Before service, each worship team member should be greeting people coming into church. We want to be a welcoming and involved worship team.

- Each worship team member should be in the auditorium five minutes prior to service starting, and should make their way onstage when the service countdown begins so that the start of service is not delayed.

- Following the worship set, each worship team member should make his/her way to a seat in the sanctuary. It is okay to snack on refreshments for a small time, but each person should be in the sanctuary by the time the preaching of the Word begins. Each team member must attend at least one Sunday Service on the weekend they are scheduled.

- At the conclusion of the service, Pastor Luke or guest speaker will call for the worship team. Each member of the team should quietly and tactfully make his/her way to the stage for ministry time. Exceptions can be made but must be cleared by the worship leader in advance.

- Each worship team member must serve on another team, separate from the worship team. We are here to build the church and serve each other! This gives us as a worship team the opportunity to meet people outside of our circle, and keeps us connected. We are blessed with a great and full team, there may be months where you aren’t scheduled as much as we would like, but that’s where serving in another team comes in! We all still get to serve our church in a new capacity!

Other Aspects of being a “Team Player”

The following are a list of “expectations,” yet not requirements of being a part of JCR Worship. To really be a team player, that means we have the same heart, the same vision, the same “cry,” and the same drive. There are many ways that we go about doing that. The following are some of these:

- Pursuit – This truly is the most important meeting we have as a church. Charles Spurgeon said, “The prayer meeting is the thermometer of the church.” So, what’s our “temperature?” If our worship ministry is largely uninvolved in the prayer meeting, then it could be inferred that it is also largely uninvolved in the main drive of the church. Schedules can either prohibit or permit attendance here, so that’s obviously a “grace” factor.

- Attending Conferences/Special Events – It is strongly encouraged that worship team members attend all special worship events (nights of worship, guest speakers/leaders). These are times for us as a team to go to the next level in what we do. We have the wonderful privilege of hosting world-class ministries here at Journey Church. We, as JCR Worship, need to be first in line to receive in these times.

- Times of Fasting – Fasting is not a call to the spiritual elite. It is an invitation to go to the next level in our personal walk as well as a church. Focused times of fasting will be called as a church and as JCR Worship in an effort to be as effective, anointed, and useful as can be. Fasting is what prohibits us from getting caught in the rut of going through set lists, being un-anointed, and from burnout.

- Small Groups - Small Groups aren’t just something we do, it’s what we are! We believe Small Groups are less about what you do, and more about who you’re doing life with.  We all need someone to connect with, and that’s why we make small groups a priority. We strongly encourage all of our members to get connected and join a small group.

These expectations are not to be burdensome, but rather times of “stepping up our game” as a worship ministry.


Why Dress Code?

Our goal is to tastefully contribute to a low profile. That means that people see us on stage but have no reason to “Double-take.” We want people to focus on GOD, not on what we’re wearing.

We never want to be bound and restricted by extensive list of rules and regulations and it should be quite obvious that we are not trying to appeal to a  “religious” crowd or the conservatives in the building, yet there remains a  responsibility to represent the Lord in the way we look and present ourselves as we stand before the church to minister.  With that in mind there are three main Biblical principles that apply in this  area:

1. Modesty
2. Moderation 
3. Not becoming a stumbling block

 Modesty & Moderation 

1 Tim. 2:9 “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and


This verse is addressed to the women but the principles involved apply to  both men and women. The concept of decency and propriety is to dress with self-  control and shyness. The Greek word actually means to be bashful in the way we  dress. This concept goes against our culture, the fashion of the day, and usually  against our egos and need for recognition. Webster’s Dictionary defines modesty  as “freedom from conceit or vanity; propriety in dress, speech, or conduct.”  Our goal is to tastefully contribute to a low profile. That means that  people see us on stage but have no reason to “double-take.” We’re not wearing  anything inappropriate or distracting that would take the congregation’s focus off  the Lord.

Stumbling Block 

1 Cor. 8:9 “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not 
become a stumbling block to the weak.”

You may have no problem and feel free to dress a particular way and you  are not convicted or concerned. However, if your freedom of dress causes  someone else to struggle during worship, then it’s a problem. Obviously, many  people are not aware – or maybe they are – of the overall affect of his/her  wardrobe. That is why there is a generally accepted set of guidelines that we all need to stay accountable to.


- No open-toed shoes.

- No inappropriate graphic tees.

- No shorts.

- Please wear well-fitting clothing (not OVERLY skinny or OVERLY baggy) – It should look presentable and appropriate.

- No shorts, but long skirts/dresses are ok (must be able to clip your IEM pack).

- No strapless, tube-top, or tank-tops.

- No low-cut tops. Make sure tops cover mid-drift when raising hands.
- Overly tight shirts or leggings should be accompanied by layers to appropriately cover your “Features”.

- Generally, be mindful of anything that may be a stumbling-block or otherwise distracting .

- No overly ripped clothing, some rips are fine (we understand fashion).

If you are questioning anything you’re wearing, please bring a backup change of clothes in- case the worship leader feels like it’s not appropriate.


It is understandable that some may not be able to commit to the aforementioned standards and guidelines. There are seasons of life in which jobs, families, finances, or whatever else may prevent certain individuals from serving in JCR Worship. Whether this is determined by the individual or by JCR Worship, it would not be a personal decision to step back from this ministry for a time, but rather an honest estimation of time, commitment, and/or what the Lord has called you to do.

Also, failure to abide by these standards and guidelines may result in a decision (by the individual or JCR Worship) to step down from service in JCR Worship.

To wrap it all up, God is doing some amazing things in our church. This is a time for us to “consecrate ourselves, for tomorrow God will…” It’s the same call given to Joshua. We are entering a season in our church and the Body of Christ where the glory of the Lord is going to be made evident in unprecedented ways – to those who have prepared for it. As a church, we want to become massive “targets” for the glory of the Lord. What an invitation! What a time to live in!


JCR Worship Commitment Agreement

This commitment agreement is a simple way to acknowledge the level of commitment required by JCR
Worship. By signing you agree to the following:

- I am committed to the vision and purpose of Journey Church and JCR Worship and am a part of the team for “the long haul” (or until Godmoves me elsewhere)

- I understand and agree to uphold the standards and guidelines detailed in the “JCR Worship: Standards and Guidelines” document

- I agree to submit to and receive any needed confrontation and correction (if necessary) by the worship leaders and/or Andrew Rosales concerning aspects of JCR Worship

- I will do my best to walk in unity with the other members of the JCR Worship community. I also commit to not voicing my discontent or frustration except with JCR Worship leadership.

- I commit to a strict policy of communication with JCR Worship leaders. In conjunction with the standards and guidelines of JCR Worship, I will communicate in advance (whether through phone or e-mail) whenever conflicts arise which prohibits my involvement in a meeting.

Let's worship together!